Little Angels Learning Center
& Preschool
Little Angels Learning Center
& Preschool
of the First United Methodist Church

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the tuition prices for each classroom?
Infants: $1,465/mo.
Young Toddlers (Ones): $1,465/mo.
Older Toddlers (Twos): $1,320/mo.
Preschool Prep: $1,235/mo.
Preschool: $1,220/mo.
Kindergarten Prep: $1,220/mo.
***A 10% discount is given to families with more than one child enrolled. This is taken off the oldest child's tuition.
**LALC only accepts full time enrollment.
**We only accept child care assistance for our staff.
*LALC does a tuition raise every year The raise is determined by the budget.
Q: What is the average class size?
Q: Do you have a security system in place at LALC?
A: Yes. Entry to all classrooms and indoor play area are only given to those using an assigned key card. Our security system is able to track who enters at what time. Cameras are located at major access points as well as inside each classroom. The cameras can record up to 30 days.
Q: What about meals?
A: LALC follows the Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP) with regards to menu selections and serving sizes. LALC is a PEANUT FREE center. If your child has severe allergies please see the director for accommodations.
Q: Where do I park?
A: Short term parking is available to families for drop-off and pick-up. For longer visits, please use the metered parking available on the surrounding streets. Do NOT park in front of the WHITE garage. That is St. Mary's property.
Q: I want to volunteer. How do I do so?
A: Contact the director for an interview. Email to cstange@icfirstchurch.org is the best way to reach me.